Monday, April 30, 2012

April Fun

Well there has been A LOT that has happened over the past month. Let's start with the fun things first. Since everyone in our building was here for Easter we did a "family" Easter dinner together which was so much fun. It was nice to have everyone together so we weren't all thinking about how we were missing out back home. The Thursday and Friday before Easter we got all the kids together and colored eggs and then did an Easter egg hunt also which was a lot of fun. Then the Monday after Easter my mom, sister and three nieces came to visit. It was my nieces Spring break at home and they decided to spend it with me. It was so good to see family and get to spend time with them. While they were here we went down to the Stockyards and saw them herd the long horns through the town. That was really neat to watch. Then we went to the zoo. It was so much fun! Fort Worth has a wonderful zoo and I highly recommend it to anyone to go! What a great reason to get to see us too!! ;) One of my new but very dear friends is pregnant so after Easter everything was about getting ready for her baby shower. It was so much fun and Amber got a lot of really great things. While all the craziness has been going on around here school is coming to an end for Mark. He actually has his last finals on Wednesday and then the semester is already over! It has flown by!! I am very proud of Mark and how well he has done in school this semester especially after not being in school for 12 years! The last big thing that has happened to us over the last six weeks is this. Our good friends and neighbors had started serving in a church in Weatherford, which is about 45-55 minutes from where we live. Well they were also looking for a Pastor and Youth minister. mark submitted his resume and was asked to come preach for them. Well six weeks later he has still been preaching there and this coming Sunday we will be brought before the church to be voted on as pastor!! Never in a million years did I think that after only being in Texas for a few months that we would be pastoring a church! We know that God has called us here and are very excited to be working with these wonderful people. So thank you for praying with us for us to find the place that God wants us. Boy did he ever surprise us! We are hoping to be able to come home this summer for a visit. We are still looking at dates and watching the gas prices and all of the fun stuff that goes along with making a trip! The one good thing is we won't have to pay for a hotel while there since our family is there and will be glad to house us! As we know more about if and when we are coming home then I will let you know. Thank you again for praying for us, we can feel them. Please continue to pray over us especially as we embark on this new journey and roll in church. We love you and miss you all!

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