Thursday, November 3, 2011

Hurry up and Wait

So I know I haven't blogged in a couple of weeks but we are in a holding pattern. Ever heard the term hurry up and wait? Well, that is EXACTLY where we are. God had revealed that we should go to Texas and Mark should start school. We have been accepted and have put in a housing application. So now we wait.

I have filled out a job application for a administrative associate position at the school. Prayerfully this will be the job that the Lord provides for me. See if either one of get a full time job at the school then Mark's tuition will be paid!! So our very selfish prayer right now is that the Lord will provide. but again we are waiting!!

So now here we are knowing that at the end of the holidays we will be moving fourteen hours away but have no clue to what! Yes we know to the school but everything- and I mean EVERYTHING else is still to be determined. Thinking of all these things has made this week an emotional one for me. I know that this will be one of many though.

With saying all of these things I sincerely hope that that you see God in all of this. This is not about Mark and I and our family. Yes there is a big change coming, but more that that this is about what God is teaching us. This is about how God still talks with His children, answers their prayers, guides and directs them, and gives comfort even in the emotional times!

Thank you Lord for still speaking to me and revealing Your character in all new ways!