Thursday, September 29, 2011

First and foremost, my name is Brandi and I am a bad blogger! There now that's done lets get started. This is my view of this wonderful whirlwind called life that I am living with my family. God has taught me a lot over the past seven years but most of the learning has taken place over the last four. So that is where we will start.

Four and a half years ago I gave birth to our first child a beautiful little boy named Noah. So we had a child now and everything about life changed. The way that we did things the way that we saw things, everything changed. In this change we saw the love God was showing us by sending His son to die for us. Will we ever fully understand it, NO WAY but we got a glimpse that's for sure. That is when Mark and I realized that we didn't have a relationship with God. We had known Him most of our life. But I know who George Bush is also! God desires us to have a relationship with Him. So we both started our relationship with Christ.

So four years ago our life totally changed. God started this mighty work in our lives and hasn't stopped since. Instead of making this one blog last forever I thought I would break things up. It may take a while but hang on for the ride and watch with us as God moves in our life. My desire is to keep track of how God is working in our life and to let those we love in on everything to. Hope you enjoy.
