Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Girls, Girls, Girls

When we left Georgia not only did we leave family but some very wonderful friends. While I still talk to my friends back home, I am very blessed to say that God has put us in a wonderful building where there is several ladies that have become my friends. The weather has for the most part been fantastic everyday since we have been here, and if you know me or my kids we can't stand to be locked up inside. So very quickly we started going outside to play, well now while all the kids play us moms sit and fellowship. It is wonderful to be able to have women that I can talk with and bond with and we all are experiencing the same things. All of our husbands are in school and have to study and work and serve in church in some capacity, so it is wonderful to be able to connect. One really funny thing about some of us girls is all of our daughters have the same names. So I have Emileigh Elizabeth, one of the other daughters is Emma Leigh and then another daughter is Elisabeth! It can get very confusing!! I am truly blessed to say that I now have some wonderful friends in Georgia and Texas!

Another wonderful thing here at school- it feels like the whole family is in school, is there is a seminary wives group that meets once per month. I have only been once and the next meeting is next week but I am so excited to be a part of this already. It is a place that we as women can grow and fellowship. I actually am praying over getting more involved with Metochai- that's the name of the group.

Again we are still searching for the church God wants us at, I know that He will lead us to the right one. I get very discouraged about finding a church but then I remember we have only been here for a month and a half and sometimes it takes time to find a church. God will provide here just like He has in so many other ways. And this makes me excited for the day when I can say we found a church!! Thank you for continuing to pray with us and for us. Though we do pray for you regularly if ever you have a special request please let us know so that we can lift you up in prayer. We love you and miss you all!

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